:: 石康军好帅! ::
been having some strange luck lately. i'd like to call it the bumping-into-celebrity luck. hahha!
well this is a bit overdue cuz i met this person abt a week ago. but i guess cuz i'm not a particularly a big supporter so it kinda kept slipping off my mind. but now since i've finally realised how to insert pictures on my blog, it's jus as well. :)
i dunno if you guys kno of this heng hua food restaurant (coffeeshop style) called Ming Zhong at Jalan Besar, Maude Road. but personally, i've been eating there for as long as i can remember. so one day my sis and i, plus a fren of ours went to this same old restaurant at Maude road to eat the famous white "lor mee".. we saw our very own local singer 石康军! i think he isn't very big in tw but my sis and i haf a very strong liking for him! especially my sister cuz she was the one tt intro-ed his music to me. i love it too. so u can imagine how my sister was hyperventilating to be sitting so close to her idol.. (one table away) she was shy to get a picture with him even tho she was dying to. haha. i had to go tap on hs shoulder when he got up to go and he was indeed as nice as he looks. and as cute as he was on tv. :)

so there. i hope tt doesn't make some 石康军 fans too upset.
*hint* the boss of the restaurant says he goes there very often! so if you are a fan, try going weekday nights slightly after dinner time! (abt 8-ish)
:: real men ::

these boys. are the hottest. ever. to walk this earth.
From top left: Kimura Takuya, Jon Jonsson, Cristiano Ronaldoguess wat. my 1st ever photo blog. *wow!*
**special thanks to .J!**
:: 1st time mommys are so cool ::
i jus found out my manicurist is pregnant!
a weird force from nature is working mommy charms on me!
stop it! *frowns*
:: my mozart.. ::
watching tv is like the best way of relaxation for me after a day's work. typically i watch mandarin entertainment stuff.. my favourite is 桃色蛋白质. i try not to miss it as much as my eyes can stay open. other times, i jus channel surf to see wat else good is on.
like yday, i was channel surfing and i saw jay on 终艺大哥大. like.. how weird. i nv knew jay did variety tv. but well, i cud tell he was uncomfortable throughtout even tho fei-ge was extremely respectful of him! (ok maybe tt's y!)
so anywaes, it was quite funny. i nv saw jay try to please anyone so hard. i mean, on tv la. cuz everytime i see him on tv, it's either an interview or a live performance. he tends to b quiet during interviews, either tt or he gives very to-the-point answers. (every reporter's nightmare i guess!) and at live performances.. er.. he sings? hahah. so i dun see him talk a lot!
but when he was doing 终艺大哥大 yday on tv, he was extremely talkative, offering plenty of comments to the 3 hosts! sure felt weird to see him "licking boots"! cuz it has alwaes been e other way around!
so towards the end of the show, i had a realisation. i nv realli knew wat attracted me to jay. i dun particularly think he's a fantastic singer, he isn't exactly drop dead gorgeous, however, he is a great songwriter.. and one more thing i discovered yday.. i mean i alwaes knew but i realised it was the very thing tt captivated me in the 1st place.. when he plays the piano.. omg.. he is the most charming when he plays the piano! (as with most ppl i think!) then suddenly a closet wish came tumbling out.. will my future hubby play a piano piece for me on our wedding day?? *touched with tears..*
my bf doesn't read my blog.. so if anyone reads this (and knows my bf, of cuz!) pls tell him this secret wish!! but dun tell me of cuz, i wan surprise!! muahahha.. *why do i feel so wicked..???* :p
so ya.. mm.. in case he doesn't kno wat to play.. try "cannon in d" or some nice english oldie will do! hahha..
"cannon in d"?? omg.. i am mean.
:: blogging times ::
blogs are scary. they can bring somebody down, cheer somebody up.. and suddenly it becomes a routine, a commitment. be it the person writing it, or the person following it. suddenly u r entwined into the person's life.. even tho u dunno the person technically. when bleedingblackbutterflies closed, i was devastated.. i was a big follower since pinkshoefetish.. it was like i lost a best fren overnight. i cud not understand why ppl were flaming her. she was jus talking abt herself and her life! who are we to judge anything? and in the totally non-childish way, if u didn't like wat she was writing, why did u visit her blog? *scratches head*
anywae, my point is jus to say tt.. the blog revolution has totally taken over.. and somehow, have made humans uglier.. and distant in terms of inter-relationships. making everyone form judgements too quickly. wat started out innocently as an "online diary" has now turned into an avenue to promote all the wrong things to our younger counterparts. Vanity (dawn Yeo/yang), pornography (t**** nyp - jus wanna say, i respect u very much), racism (the guy tt got charged in court), vulgarity, narcissiticity, inconsideration (all fall under XX) and much much more.. sad jus to name these.
another one of those random blog entries.. ironically, i was spurred to write this entry by the good bloggers!! haha.. in contrast i guess.
in respect to all these GOOD bloggers, i will be starting to add them on my links. there isn't much but at least they make me think life is still hopeful! :) and all of them, i personally enjoy reading.
i hope the nex time someone pens an entry, think for a while the consequences it might bring. cuz for me, that will b my new way and attitude of blogging. :)
:: children complete me ::
ah lian is getting ROM-ed!! mm. actually i am not surprised la.. jus tt.. i thot i wud b ahead of her. :p
i haf been feeling very mommy-ish lately. meaning.. i feel like having a kid!! they r e most adorable things ever and i honestly cannot wait to haf my own lil princesses and princes. pregnancy has alwaes fascinated me. the wonders of mother nature is the best gift to us humans beings, in my opinion. the ability to make babies.. is simply heavenly. babies of u and ur loved one? priceless.
boy/girl doesn't matter.. as long as they're healthy. i look forward to the 9 months of blessed pregnancy.. watching my tummy grow everyday.. and counting down to the days of seeing and holding the cute lil one.
this parenting feeling grew bigger when .J led me to a blog add! *you can find it in the comments of the previous post* it is simply.. too sweet. it is a thot for me to do something similar in future. since i haf alwaes thot of doing log books for my own lil ones.
but.. i am not pregnant. tho it's nice to think abt it for a little while. :)
:: jus try not to irritate me, ok? ::
yet another weekend has gone by..
this weekend gone by real quick.. i felt i hardly rested.. or spent quality time with my boy. :( but at least we did manage to get some private time during the wee hours on sunday. :)
does it mean somebody has low EQ or with the excuse tt she has nv had a bf b4 gets her away with the ignorance of being so "not automatic" aka bu4 zi4 dong4? cuz every time i wanna spend time alone with my boy, she's alwaes there. such a brightly lit light bulb. and she doesn't kno it?? and she claims to haf high EQ? my foot. how can anyone who has nv been in a relationship haf higher EQ than one who has had at least proper experience. as i go deeper into my relationship, i believe more and more that relationships make u grow up. and not having one makes a person incomplete. this thot alwaes crosses my mind: "is there a problem with those ppl who are unattached and approaching their 30s or are they jus too picky?" perhaps it's a subjective answer. but for my case.. i wud think.. she definitely has a problem.
she absolutely has no life. her so-called frens are so little. and i think she doesn't haf a best fren. as in one good close buddy buddy gf. none. zilch. wat then huh? she comes home and rambles abt her work, her colleagues, basically her everything. and she runs to her mother for everything. she doesn't kno how to cook a proper meal, she doesn't kno how to use the washing machine, she doesn't kno how to iron, she doesn't kno where she keeps her own things even. (may i add, she is approaching her 30s) and i hate it when she thinks she's e most pitiful, most overworked person in the world. she also thinks she's a know-it-all. she has nv once said "i dunno". she has an answer for everything. yes, she is THAT kind of person. all of us knows one of them. i wud not wan to live with any of them. but i almost am now.
tt is not the most irritating. to make it worse, she is damn bloody noisy. she cannot keep one minute peaceful. she has to either guffaw, make comments or jus make sure she is being heard by suddenly shouting at home. sometimes my poor bf gotta entertain her jus cuz she's family. sounds like a looney eh. i think in 5 years time she might well b it. for now.. she's jus trying to get attention at home, since she can't get any outside. i am sure there's a reason for tt.
argh. to wrap things up. she has absolutely low low low, if not none, EQ. sometimes i feel EQ is more impt than IQ. u r smart, so? if u r emotionally handicapped.. i say u better keep things in check.
**sorry i am not pointing arrows at anyone.. jus venting my frustrations on my own blog.**
:: friends are the family you choose for yourself ::
sometimes u dunno how blessed u r, until u realise wat kinda lives others haf. i was reading this person's blog. and she rambles on abt how her frens alwaes put others things b4 her, such as bfs, other frens, family etc. They will stand her up at arranged outings, go home early to meet bfs, all kinds of excuses to not spend time, quality time as frens.
after i read this, i realised.. i am so blessed! my frens are nothing like tt and as a matter of fact, i kno for sure they will abandon all things jus to spend a girls' night out, do dinner, movie, do girly stuff tgt. i mean, hello!!! i can nv bear to miss out on our outings! they r too much fun to miss! like we alwaes say, they're fantabulous! :D in fact i haf been spoiled badly these past few months cuz one of my best pals was bac in town. and.. i feel so blessed! i not only haf one of such frens but.. a nice handful! :) it sure feels good. especially since.. the person's blog tt i haf been reading.. i dun particularly like her. so.. yea. too bad for her. :p
and she was saying how her frens abandon her for their bfs... and tt it infuriates her. i say she is not a very understanding fren. her fren's bf is in need of some attention for a good reason and as a fren, u tell ur gf to ignore him? wat kind of fren is tt? my frens wud tell me to "go, go, go.. dun let it get worse than it oredi is.." man.. she is one weird girl. no wonder we haf different kind of frens. *flips hair* (haha.. daffy teo trademark! i like!)
so.. ya.. yet another post to my wonderful sisters. i cannot say how much i love u gals.. but i kno i can't live without any of u and i wud not b the same person w/o u gals. i hope our friendship will alwaes blossom and we will alwaes b the bestest bestest of mates. :)
mUCh lOVe!
:: Who wud haf thot I wud be so lucky?! ::
*Happie Birthday, Taylor Hanson!*this will probably be the highlight of my life for many many years to come.. OMG.. i am still hyperventilating even tho more than 12 hours haf passed!!
let's make this story more exciting.. by keeping the best part at the end. so here goes.
i was working late last night so at abt 9pm, i decided to go downstairs and grab some dinner for my boss and myself. so i was on the phone with my bf.. walked into mac's, made my order, collected my food, paid the bill.. and walked out of mac's..
i was kinda complaining to my bf abt having to work late bla bla bla.. when suddenly.. someone walking towards me caught my eye. i dunno why but perhaps it was because she was heavily made up but somehow, she looked strangely familiar. when i realised who she was, i eyes grew big and i stared hard at her. she walked right past me with our shoulders rubbing! as i suddenly went quiet in shock on the phone, my bf revived me and the first thing i said was, "OMG!
# # # jus walked past me!!" jus as i said tt, both the guy with
# # # and
# # # herself turned ard to smile. guess i was a tad too loud. hahha. but.. i realli regreted hyperventilating cuz it totally slipped my mind tt i shud taken a picture with her.
ARGH!!!! maybe if i wasn't on the phone, i wud haf remembered??? oh man!! anywaes, at least i saw her
SUPER close up. i can't get over it!! i mean, come on!
WE RUBBED SHOULDERS!!! how often do u rub shoulders with ur idol?!?!
well.. if e person reading this now has been following my blog.. u wud kno i haf a few major idols.. the girl i met yesterday is one of my idols!!! OMG! so now u understand why i am still hyperventilating.
because the person i met downstairs my office is
SUN YANZI, STEFANIE SUN.*OMG!*i accidentally fulfilled all of my wishes. meeting my idols upclose.
FACE TO FACE. i haf met Edison in Taiwan, i haf met Mayday when I was working at Music Junction, I haf met Jay shopping at Heeren, now i haf Sun Yanzi too!!
downstairs my office?!!OMG, i realli realli can't get over it!!!!
:: Random Thots..9 March 2006 ::
i am blogging! again! OH MY.. it's been so long.. feels like i forgot how to blog! all thanks to the useless notebook i haf at work.. eew.
but now.. i have.. a new notebook!! so now.. i can.. blog from office again! wheee!!!
so.. i have been at my job for 2 months now.. am not tt lost but still not fitting in. constantly feeling like i am in the wrong industry. luckily for me.. i am having good mentors. extremely good. almost unbelieveable. where did all these good luck come from??? (suddenly?)
bcuz of these mentors, i feel i mus not let them down and give up halfway (again). i will do as i am told and work towards my goals, when i have set them tt is. *sighs*
now tt i am back in the game.. i am much more happier than i used to be. i mus learn to b less possessive, more understanding.. less demanding, more giving.. i think this time, i can do it. :)
3sa darling: i am so happy for u! i hope all will go well for you and u will finally live tt life u wanna live!
tasha babe: i am so happy u r not leaving!! haha. but.. i hope u will find something u realli enjoy doing and do it for a long time. i will b here for u no matter wat ok? :)
mel sweetie: persevere, persist and b determined. u will get there someday. i can feel it! :p
fiona dear: b done with ur uni and come bac oredi! QUICKLY!
jos cuppie (haha): wateva u do, pls b happy. dun let anyone deprive u of wat u deserve to haf. fight for ur own happiness. cuz if u dun, no one will fight it for u.
love y'all, babes!