Wednesday, March 29, 2006

:: my mozart.. ::

watching tv is like the best way of relaxation for me after a day's work. typically i watch mandarin entertainment stuff.. my favourite is 桃色蛋白质. i try not to miss it as much as my eyes can stay open. other times, i jus channel surf to see wat else good is on.

like yday, i was channel surfing and i saw jay on 终艺大哥大. like.. how weird. i nv knew jay did variety tv. but well, i cud tell he was uncomfortable throughtout even tho fei-ge was extremely respectful of him! (ok maybe tt's y!)

so anywaes, it was quite funny. i nv saw jay try to please anyone so hard. i mean, on tv la. cuz everytime i see him on tv, it's either an interview or a live performance. he tends to b quiet during interviews, either tt or he gives very to-the-point answers. (every reporter's nightmare i guess!) and at live performances.. er.. he sings? hahah. so i dun see him talk a lot!

but when he was doing 终艺大哥大 yday on tv, he was extremely talkative, offering plenty of comments to the 3 hosts! sure felt weird to see him "licking boots"! cuz it has alwaes been e other way around!

so towards the end of the show, i had a realisation. i nv realli knew wat attracted me to jay. i dun particularly think he's a fantastic singer, he isn't exactly drop dead gorgeous, however, he is a great songwriter.. and one more thing i discovered yday.. i mean i alwaes knew but i realised it was the very thing tt captivated me in the 1st place.. when he plays the piano.. omg.. he is the most charming when he plays the piano! (as with most ppl i think!) then suddenly a closet wish came tumbling out.. will my future hubby play a piano piece for me on our wedding day?? *touched with tears..*

my bf doesn't read my blog.. so if anyone reads this (and knows my bf, of cuz!) pls tell him this secret wish!! but dun tell me of cuz, i wan surprise!! muahahha.. *why do i feel so wicked..???* :p

so ya.. mm.. in case he doesn't kno wat to play.. try "cannon in d" or some nice english oldie will do! hahha..

"cannon in d"?? omg.. i am mean.


At Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:03:00 AM, Blogger .J said...

桃色蛋白质 is the peach protein one right? have u seen the one hmm.. Kang Yong Dang Jia? The one featuring yanzi on promoting her album. That's funnnnny.

i think the fei ge show doesn't suit jay. anyway fei-ge's respectful to anyone.. haha..

At Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:19:00 PM, Blogger Mrs. Lee said...

i dun haf a habit of watching kang yong dang jia cuz i dun fancy "small-s". :P my loss i guess!

i agree fei-ge is respectful to everyone but there are alwaes tinges of sarcasm in his jokes. but with jay there was none! i swear! :P

At Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:25:00 PM, Blogger .J said...

kang yong dang jia is "ah ya" right? i also dun like small s. and the big s as well..

hahah everyone's respectful to him i guess.. but fei-ge has gt this very pervertic look. haha


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