Monday, March 20, 2006

:: jus try not to irritate me, ok? ::

yet another weekend has gone by..

this weekend gone by real quick.. i felt i hardly rested.. or spent quality time with my boy. :( but at least we did manage to get some private time during the wee hours on sunday. :)

does it mean somebody has low EQ or with the excuse tt she has nv had a bf b4 gets her away with the ignorance of being so "not automatic" aka bu4 zi4 dong4? cuz every time i wanna spend time alone with my boy, she's alwaes there. such a brightly lit light bulb. and she doesn't kno it?? and she claims to haf high EQ? my foot. how can anyone who has nv been in a relationship haf higher EQ than one who has had at least proper experience. as i go deeper into my relationship, i believe more and more that relationships make u grow up. and not having one makes a person incomplete. this thot alwaes crosses my mind: "is there a problem with those ppl who are unattached and approaching their 30s or are they jus too picky?" perhaps it's a subjective answer. but for my case.. i wud think.. she definitely has a problem.

she absolutely has no life. her so-called frens are so little. and i think she doesn't haf a best fren. as in one good close buddy buddy gf. none. zilch. wat then huh? she comes home and rambles abt her work, her colleagues, basically her everything. and she runs to her mother for everything. she doesn't kno how to cook a proper meal, she doesn't kno how to use the washing machine, she doesn't kno how to iron, she doesn't kno where she keeps her own things even. (may i add, she is approaching her 30s) and i hate it when she thinks she's e most pitiful, most overworked person in the world. she also thinks she's a know-it-all. she has nv once said "i dunno". she has an answer for everything. yes, she is THAT kind of person. all of us knows one of them. i wud not wan to live with any of them. but i almost am now.

tt is not the most irritating. to make it worse, she is damn bloody noisy. she cannot keep one minute peaceful. she has to either guffaw, make comments or jus make sure she is being heard by suddenly shouting at home. sometimes my poor bf gotta entertain her jus cuz she's family. sounds like a looney eh. i think in 5 years time she might well b it. for now.. she's jus trying to get attention at home, since she can't get any outside. i am sure there's a reason for tt.

argh. to wrap things up. she has absolutely low low low, if not none, EQ. sometimes i feel EQ is more impt than IQ. u r smart, so? if u r emotionally handicapped.. i say u better keep things in check.

**sorry i am not pointing arrows at anyone.. jus venting my frustrations on my own blog.**


At Monday, March 20, 2006 7:09:00 PM, Blogger .J said...

Oh, cos you guys have in-house attachment right? Hmmmm still a loooooooooong way to go.. next year?

i'm still deciding actually. between designing or the media. and also whether to do it part time or what. lots of decisions to make..

but meantime its intensive self-improvement on da weekends. :) So you plan to further ur studies?

At Tuesday, March 21, 2006 3:38:00 AM, Blogger Mrs. Lee said...

sure do! furthering studies is a must. but right now, it's a matter of when. :(

wow, self improvement on weekends??? tt's real hardworking!! if i were a guy, when i get to "come out" on weekends, i'll either sleep or go out and party hard!! :p

At Tuesday, March 21, 2006 4:30:00 AM, Blogger .J said...

In singapore? or overseas? maybe work for a year first then decide on which area u wanna study?

hahah ns takes up too much of time, weekends are the only time to upgrade.

Haaa its been quite sometime since i party hard. usually its get togethers at friend's place. and we'll have cooking session!

At Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:43:00 PM, Blogger Mrs. Lee said...

wa. u nv fail to surprise me. COOKING SESSION?!?!! i think guys like u probably extinct. hahha.

i am quite against studying overseas.. it is a waste of money.. i mean, if u can find something in SG why do u wanna go overseas..? no offence if u haf intentions to go abroad jus tt i has a slight distaste for those who go abroad and then come back bcome "yaya papaya". it realli turns me off.

u r now allowed to comment on this very bias comment. haha.

At Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:58:00 AM, Blogger .J said...

Hahaha! i love cooking and baking! and i work as a part time chef before.

actually i've the same thoughts too. unless the option is that the course isn't found in sg or unless it allows me to finish it off faster. like minus 1 year or something. hey those yaya papaya are usually those who doesn't go there to study loh. more like for fame. and ya they should really wake up their idea.

anyway my blog is at

just shifted from blogger to wordpress.

At Saturday, March 25, 2006 10:32:00 AM, Blogger .J said...

came across this site before?

it's so sweet & cute! the blog of a child since she was born :)

At Monday, March 27, 2006 8:28:00 PM, Blogger Mrs. Lee said...

i love tt blog! the pan family is so sweet! at one point it almost brought a tear to my eye...

thank u for this great blog reccommendation! something like this is such a refreshing change from all those who write abt themselves, themselves, themselves! (you and i included, i guess! but i think e worse is XX!)

i check bac at ur blog too, jus fyi. *winks*


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