:: See me 72 change! ::
when something like this gets discovered by me, i cannot stop playing with it. can you?
www.myheritage.com - think some of u might haf tried it b4.. yes i kno i am slow.
but now tt i kno abt it, i cannot stop! i realised, i look like so many celebrities! haha.. actually they r very smart.. they choose the celeb picture tt has the closest angle of the pic of urself tt u upload. i thot maybe one or two photos will churn out the same result, NO! 11 pictures, 11 results!!!
this one quite disappointing. considering i dun realli kno who Mai Kuraki is. i kno she did a song with Steff Sun b4 la.

Ar.. this one better! Sammi! See how Sammi and my face is tilted in the same angle? and tt makes us look alike! *crap!*

And this pictures says i look Woranuch Wongsawan. Who the hell? Some Thai celeb? Well, at least she looks pretty! :p

This one says i look like Lucy Liu. hee. Cool!

And then, of cuz, i had some caucasian counterparts! Eh, this one is a SUPERMODEL ok!

Ok, i absolutely hate hilary duff. i love lindsay! so, YUCKS.

and then i tried couple shots. apparently mel looks too unique to look like anyone. unlike me, with mel i look like Tata Young?! *Ew!*

And with my sister i look like Song Hye Kyo! Not bad, i like her. But now my sister looks like tt pretty thai celeb! Woncha wat??

And when i put the couple shot of ronald and i, it said i look like Jang Nara. But look, that's Taiwan's Hsu Weilun's face on the supposed Jang Nara's face! but i guess, that's better than Ronald, apparently he looks like korea's Ha Ji Won, a woman?!! OMG!!! WAHAHHAH!!!!

and of cuz, wat fun issit w/o my bf. So, he looks like fighter, Jet Li!

But i is not convinced, he must look like some hunk out there!! So i tried again.. and.. now he looks like HK's Chow Yun Fatt!!!

Now, I'm convinced! :p
:: i knew it! ::
Found a thread of photos.. that kinda looked like they needed a story to link 'em up, so i did jus tt!

All was in the name of fun, no offence to anyone, especially Tammy.
:: the stormy, rainy season ::
i dunno if it is becuz i am a libran, i expect a lot of balance in my life. fairness. lately (as u may haf read), my bf has been so engrossed in world cup, he hardly has any time left for me given the sales nature of his job. and as i am spending more and more time by myself, i am starting to realize how much i cannot stand him being away from me. (yes tt wud mean i am clingy) and to me.. tt is not healthy. and also, i nv used to b like this.
when i was single, i was the most independent person ever. i nv needed anyone to acc me for shopping or anything, i was alwaes ok by myself. in fact i cherish my own quality time as it is considered a kind of self exloration time, which i alwaes seemed to need and enjoy in the past.
now, i almost want to spend ALL my time with him, and do everything with him. and when it doesn't happen, i get realli realli upset. worse if he chooses some other activity outside of work over accompanying me. i wud go mad. believe it or not, I DON'T WANNA B LIKE THAT! but everytime i am with him, i become this evil, resentful person that hates all the people who occupies his time and attention. and i haf totally no control over wat i do and say when i am this person, i wud like to call my evil twin (ET). and becuz of ET, we haf been having endless quarrels that go on and on and nv cease. and the real me is so tired of it all. but the ET jus wun let go. i realli dunno wat to do.
i am spending more time than i ever haf been at my own home.. and i felt this peace i haven't been having for the longest time. i feel like gg away on my own, spending lazy evenings after work at a cafe in town and jus people watch.. smiling at all who walks past me.. but every time he comes into my mind, the smile on my face disappears.. and i realli hate tt feeling.
needless to say, i haf rummaged thru my mind to think of the reasons tt caused this. haf i been too demanding? haf i spent too much unnecessarily time at his plc? are there to many ppl involved in our r'ship and we're allowing them to affect us? are we not getting enuff quality time tgt? or is this simply wat happens when 2 persons stay tgt for too long? then wat is gg to happen after marriage?
someone told me this, "2 persons shud not 'pak tor' for too long, there will come a time when it is appropriate for the r'ship to go into marriage. and when the time is missed, things start to go hay wire cuz the r'ship becomes stagnant as there is no more room for further development."
if u ask me honestly, i think we missed our time more than once. each time caused by a different factor. not too long ago, we felt we were still too unstable to talk abt marriage. then not too long ago, we felt we were still too young. and most recently, we were too financially burdened to talk abt marriage. so the plan jus keeps stalling but the problems keep coming.
to me, the "problems" are alwaes recurring ones. and i am the one tt is irritated with them mostly. am i the one magnifying the problems? but if they realli bug me, how can i pretend it doesn't?
there are so many questions and uncertainties going on in my mind right now. so much tt i can't even take advice from anyone, cuz it will only confuse me further. and so taxing tt i can't talk abt it, lest i break down and not find a way out.
i hope this jus a passing phase.. and tt it will go away soon..
:: Yoshi Time! ::
let's try to make this short and sweet.
my last week with my current company, has been quite a bang. i'm glad i managed to stay till this week to b a part of the the whole marketing rig.
last night i had a company event at rouge. started out boring.. i mean not tt talking to my colleagues were boring, but tt the crowd was jus not.. mingling enuff. everyone was hiding in their comfortable little circles.. including myself i guess. but someone had to make the 1st move and break the ice! raymond and i walked over to a table of 2 guys, which obviously looked like one of them were korean and the other, a japanese. as we got closer, we peered at each other's name tags. we were all of the same counterpart. they were from our korean and japanese office respectively. i wish we had such hunks in our singapore office! *YOSHI!*
the japanese was extremely cute in trying to converse with english, but the honest truth was his english was realli not bad, cuz i cud understand him! i guess maybe he wasn't confident with his english.
so when we were talking abt world cup, or rather they were talking abt it (y do the men nv get sick of it?!) all i cud mumble were, ronaldo, kewell, beckham.. and nakata. haha. and when the cute japanese guy heard nakata, he had a weird smile on his face.
so i asked him, "why? wat's with nakata?"
struggling with the reply, he answered, "you kno in japan, everyone knows something abt him. but outside of japan, no one knows."
very curious now, "wat? wat issit?"
awkward smile again, "nakata.." with a slight pause he continued, "is gay."
eyes widened, "NO! how cud it b? how do u kno?!"
smiling happy now like he hit the jackpot, "cuz u kno, i haf frens who r gay, so in their circle of frens, news travel fast."
staring straight at him cuz i wanted to catch more glimpses of him and not cuz i was realli devastated by the newly acquired news, "oh no.. tt is so sad! he is so cute!"
looking more interested in me now, he continued, "in japan, when i tell this to the girls who like nakata, they cry." and ends the sentence with an amazed laugh.
i quickly backed, "i wud too! jus tt i am feeling quite happy now so the tears can't come out."
we both laughed.
tt was abt the end of our substantial conversation. the rest of the night, he added a few words here and there.. as did i. and before long, i was making my way home.. cuz.. it was getting late.. and i was getting a lil tipsy.. so as not 2 complicate matters i thot it wud b wise to leave. if he had stopped me from going, i wud haf most probably asked him out to somewhere else. :p it's easy to say all the "if-s" but i kno i wud nv haf the guts to ask anyone out. all my in imagination only!
so anywaes, tt was my "yoshi" episode. i realised after i started talking abt yoshi, i totally left out the korean guy, which i totally forgot his name too. haha. well, he was more interested in me than yoshi was. it was sooo obvious! at one point, my colleague had to come between me and him cuz he was getting much too close.
i alwaes attract the wrong kind, i guess.
i think i had stayed off men (other than my bf) for too long, makes a certain part of me wanna go out and haf some fun.
but i kno.. it's tt phase, and it will pass. :)
:: i dun wanna kno ::
sometimes it is better not to probe.. cuz the more you kno, the more upset u bcome.
:: U.N.W.A.N.T.E.D ::
i now kno why the world cup comes once every four years. cuz i can't imagine wat the women gotta put up with if was an annual affair!
this is the 1st time i am "spending" the world cup season with my bf. it has only been a week and i am gg crazy. and all the damage tt has been done has oredi strained the r'ship.
World Cup and Late NightsI absolutely hate it when he stays up into the wee hours to watch TV. cuz it'll b so difficult to wake him the next day. and since i am the one who wakes him, how come he can choose to go to bed late and yet I am the one picking up after him?? meaning i haf to put up with the morning after consequences of having late nights. tt is totally unfair to me and it sometimes can ruin my entire day jus with tt single episode in the morning.
World Cup and Falling Sickbeing glued to the tv so intensely for weeks straight can't b good for anyone's health/body. especially when u burn the midnight oil. so this bf of mine has become sick. and he is so desperate to watch the world cup tt he even went to the doctor's to get medication (as per my instructions of cuz) so tt he can pull thru this "trying" period. which, of cuz, he normally wudn't do so no matter how i nag at him or nudge him to. "see doctor waste money la" is wat he alwaes says. the power of world cup!
World Cup and GamblingI mus agree, watching a soccer match w/o placing bets is not as thrilling as having placed bets. so i am absolutely ok tt he goes crazy betting on the world cup during this season. but i hate it when his frens call to place bets thru him. as if he is not busy enuff with his own bets, he becomes like a bet collector. argh!! where has my time with him gone to?!!!
World Cup and MEever since the start of world cup, we haven't had dinner tgt, haf not saw a movie tgt, and his nightly visits to my hse after work became zilch. those nightly phone calls also bcame minimal, cuz u kno, "the match is starting". i am trying very hard not to feel neglected, knowing how thrilling world cup is for him (as is to all guys). but issit very unreasonable of me to jus wan some nice words from him? i throw my tantrums, yes. but tt's bcuz u haf been neglecting me! dun i deserve some sweet nothings for having to put up with the darn world cup fever?? worse of all, i feel so unwanted. he watches the world cup with his frens, his sisters, but never me. he never once asked me to watch the matches with him, when i am at his plc, he hardly cares wat i am doing while he is screaming away at all the goals. U.N.W.A.N.T.E.D. is wat i feel. i may not enjoy watching soccer, but i wud love to accompany him, seeing tt it excites him so much.. :(
i guess the worst part of all these is tt he is going straight to reservist the day after world cup ends! which means he has absolutely no time for me until after world cup AND after his reservist which is gg to last for 2 weeks! and then i will might b flying to phillipines for my new job for a week somewhere in july.. and wat if it is after his reservist..?? jus thinking abt this is realli driving me mad. it seems like i wun b having a bf for abt 2 months becuz of the stupid world cup!
the sound of cheering stadium fans, the word "GOAL!", and the mere mention of any soccer players' names piss me off.
:: lesbian? me Me ME!! ::
i like tanya chua. i love stefanie sun.
the fact tt they r good friends, stirs a certain kind of emotion inside me, i can't quite explain. excitement? joy? anticipation? (of wat?!) i realli dunno. like when i watched the 17th Golden Melody Awards, the part when Tanya won and Stefanie presented the award to her.. it almost brought tears to my eyes.
it jus makes me doubly warm to see both of them onscreen tgt sometimes.
so imagine wat this picture made me feel.

made me wish i was right smack in the middle.
in the non-lesbian way, ok???
lesbian tendencies.. i also ok. hahhaha. oei, it's stefanie sun leh!!!
:: i love balloons! especially the DHL ones! ::
i haf too much i wanna say, i dunno which one to start off with!!
ok, so my 3rd yr anni was not as bad as i thot. i shud say, it was second to the best anni (1st yr) i had! (haha, i kno i kno, it has only been 3 so far! keke!)
it started off on a bad note, i kno. (refer to previous post) but i realli did not wan to ruin the special day! so when i woke up on the morning of 7th June 2006, i quickly went to his plc, wanting to apologise and sort things out. BUT. he had already left his plc to go to work. argh. was even more disappointed considering i realli wanted to see him! (missed him the night b4 and again in the morning!) i was slightly agitated on missing him again but i forced myself not to b angry, again! after i calmed down, i managed to compose an sms to him and we made up over the nex few sms-es. *phew*
so then i went ahead with my day to do my facial and massage at SkinLab and all.. came back to his plc to do some ironing.. and resting.. and by 7pm, he was bac home, ready to take me out for dinner. and we had barely 5 hours left of our anniversary!! :( but i was real happy to see him.
then i gave him his present, the pen tt he wanted. and he gave me my present, a pvc skin watch. ???? i wasn't thinking of tt. but i took it anyhows and confessing tt it wasn't me but i liked it anywae. it was the thot tt counts.
then we went out for dinner, at this heng hua restaurant.. when we got off the bike and he opened the box to put the helmets in, i saw another present inside, i knew wat it was. :)
we sat down at the table and ordered our food, we had shark's fins! my favourite!! :) and i slowly began to unwrap my 2nd present. it was this!!!

i rem briefly mentioning tt i wanted a digital camera. and i remember slightly tt i mentioned Nikon. but i nv told him it was the Coolpix S5 tt i wanted!! how cud he haf known???? plus i thot we were gg to get it tgt.. i didn't think he wud jus buy it and present it to me like tt!
wateva it is, i was seriously overwhelmed. i was so happy i cud not eat my food. it all tasted blend to me. even my shark's fins!! OMG. i was so so so hyperventilating. and i cud not stop thanking him. i think he said "you're welcome" every ten minutes during the dinner! :D
wat was so unpredictable of him was tt, he actually had a surprise plan for me after dinner! told me to quickly finish it up so tt we can make it b4 9 cuz he doesn't kno wat time it closes. and i had no idea wat "it" was!
then i was like, "wat a waste the new camera is not charged, if not we cud take pictures now."
"you're right! the plc we r gg, it wud b such a waste not to take pictures! let's try to get someone to charge it for a while so tt at least we can get a few pictures!"
so then we went on a frenzy search from shop to shop who wud lend us their socket to charge our camera. and we did. we waited for abt 15 minutes for the camera to b charged b4 we took off, in a frenzy, again. :p
we rode off in our bike, me holding tightly to the freshly charged camera. and as we approached "it", i couldn't believe it. since when did he become so romantic?! and he was right, it wud haf been such a waste not having a camera!
WE WERE GOING ON THE DHL BALLOON!!!i was simply gg crazy with excitement. i was so high (literally) i cud hardly remember wat happened during the ride afterwards.
let the pictures do the talking.
View from where we were standing in the balloon.

The balloon is quite huge, realli.

*Him* b4 the "take-off". I hate those nets they put on the "basket". As if we would climb over!

Me when it was going up, up and up! View was spectacular!!

Peering down below from the middle of the "basket" we were in.

Us! *happy happy!*

the view, was simply, breathtaking. the balloon was slightly unstable tho, as the wind was blowing quite a bit tt night. which explains why all the pictures are blurred. also, u hafta forgive my photography skills as i got the camera less than an hour ago tt night!
it was definitely an unforgetable experience. he was actually scared of heights and yet he went on the balloon with me. :) wish i cud show u guys the video i took him saying, "lim peh ka neng!" (my legs are all soft!)
after tt we headed for sentosa.. wanted to go to the beach.. only to realise motorbikes weren't allowed into Sentosa. WTF. so we decided not to go considering there's quite a bit of walking to do! we called joel and met him for drinks at winebar. he, as usual, brought along his girlfriends and friends of friends.
as i was truly overjoyed tt night, wateva we did after tt wudn't haf mattered to me, as long as *he* was by my side.. *gushes*
ok getting mushy. shan't torture u guys no more!!
:: backfired? wat's e plan again? ::
didn't think i wud b in a foul mood at this hour. 51 minutes to my 3rd year anniversary. and i am fcuking pissed.
it has alwaes been a tradition, we alwaes hang out tgt at the strike of midnight on the eve of our anniversary. and one hour b4 12am, he calls to say he is going to a fren's plc. i take it tt he is not coming to spend the 12am mark with me.
I is very very very angry.
i is also very very very disappointed.
finally, i is very very very sad.
my excitement bubble jus burst right in my face.
can i haf a shoulder to cry on, pls?
i promise i wun wet ur shirt too bad.
:: 06/06/06 ::
i have a thing abt numbers. but it is ironic. i haf nv been a mathematical person in school. i hated (and still do) numbers in the math sense. i think the highest grade i ever got for any math test/exam is C5.
on the other hand, i alwaes felt i had an affinity with numbers.. in the 4D sort of way. haha. but i nv ever buy 4D. cuz i dun believe in giving money to Singapore Pools. so wat is this affinity i am talking abt...?
today, i had this feeling like my life is in sync. a weird sorta balance. and it is showing through the numbers i face today. today's date is 06/06/06. when i checked my gmail mailbox today, i had 606 mails in it. then, i checked my office inbox, there were exactly 100 emails in it. this has nv happened to me b4! but then again, i've alwaes tried to make out matters from numbers that i see. like a handphone number, a car license plate.. if i see 2406 on a car license plate, i would think of the fren whose birthday falls on 24th June. and think tt maybe it is a sign for me to call her.. u kno.. stuff like tt.
or if i consecutively saw the same numbers few days in a row, on a blk no, a tel no, or the price of a skirt.. i wud think there is a link to all these and i haf to work it out to find out why i am seeing the same numbers over and over.
of cuz, till this date, i haven't been able to do it. i haf yet to understand my weird affinity with these numbers.
in case anyone is wondering if i haf tried buying 4D with these numbers i see.. i haf tried it a few times. didn't strike lottery, doesn't work.
honestly la, why are there exactly 606 mails sitting in my inbox..??
i think i am going nuts. it's going to b a big day tomoro.. maybe i haf been too excited abt it.. it's making me cranky.
1 more day...
:: 3 years ::
*Heart beats faster.*
:: Hazel ::
Congratulations on your ROM today, Hazel! I wish you lotsa bliss, joy and love with Remus!
This is the day we've ALL been waiting for! You got there 1st!
And we are happy for you! :)