:: i love balloons! especially the DHL ones! ::
i haf too much i wanna say, i dunno which one to start off with!!ok, so my 3rd yr anni was not as bad as i thot. i shud say, it was second to the best anni (1st yr) i had! (haha, i kno i kno, it has only been 3 so far! keke!)
it started off on a bad note, i kno. (refer to previous post) but i realli did not wan to ruin the special day! so when i woke up on the morning of 7th June 2006, i quickly went to his plc, wanting to apologise and sort things out. BUT. he had already left his plc to go to work. argh. was even more disappointed considering i realli wanted to see him! (missed him the night b4 and again in the morning!) i was slightly agitated on missing him again but i forced myself not to b angry, again! after i calmed down, i managed to compose an sms to him and we made up over the nex few sms-es. *phew*
so then i went ahead with my day to do my facial and massage at SkinLab and all.. came back to his plc to do some ironing.. and resting.. and by 7pm, he was bac home, ready to take me out for dinner. and we had barely 5 hours left of our anniversary!! :( but i was real happy to see him.
then i gave him his present, the pen tt he wanted. and he gave me my present, a pvc skin watch. ???? i wasn't thinking of tt. but i took it anyhows and confessing tt it wasn't me but i liked it anywae. it was the thot tt counts.
then we went out for dinner, at this heng hua restaurant.. when we got off the bike and he opened the box to put the helmets in, i saw another present inside, i knew wat it was. :)
we sat down at the table and ordered our food, we had shark's fins! my favourite!! :) and i slowly began to unwrap my 2nd present. it was this!!!

i rem briefly mentioning tt i wanted a digital camera. and i remember slightly tt i mentioned Nikon. but i nv told him it was the Coolpix S5 tt i wanted!! how cud he haf known???? plus i thot we were gg to get it tgt.. i didn't think he wud jus buy it and present it to me like tt!
wateva it is, i was seriously overwhelmed. i was so happy i cud not eat my food. it all tasted blend to me. even my shark's fins!! OMG. i was so so so hyperventilating. and i cud not stop thanking him. i think he said "you're welcome" every ten minutes during the dinner! :D
wat was so unpredictable of him was tt, he actually had a surprise plan for me after dinner! told me to quickly finish it up so tt we can make it b4 9 cuz he doesn't kno wat time it closes. and i had no idea wat "it" was!
then i was like, "wat a waste the new camera is not charged, if not we cud take pictures now."
"you're right! the plc we r gg, it wud b such a waste not to take pictures! let's try to get someone to charge it for a while so tt at least we can get a few pictures!"
so then we went on a frenzy search from shop to shop who wud lend us their socket to charge our camera. and we did. we waited for abt 15 minutes for the camera to b charged b4 we took off, in a frenzy, again. :p
we rode off in our bike, me holding tightly to the freshly charged camera. and as we approached "it", i couldn't believe it. since when did he become so romantic?! and he was right, it wud haf been such a waste not having a camera!
i was simply gg crazy with excitement. i was so high (literally) i cud hardly remember wat happened during the ride afterwards.
let the pictures do the talking.
View from where we were standing in the balloon.

The balloon is quite huge, realli.

*Him* b4 the "take-off". I hate those nets they put on the "basket". As if we would climb over!

Me when it was going up, up and up! View was spectacular!!

Peering down below from the middle of the "basket" we were in.

Us! *happy happy!*

the view, was simply, breathtaking. the balloon was slightly unstable tho, as the wind was blowing quite a bit tt night. which explains why all the pictures are blurred. also, u hafta forgive my photography skills as i got the camera less than an hour ago tt night!
it was definitely an unforgetable experience. he was actually scared of heights and yet he went on the balloon with me. :) wish i cud show u guys the video i took him saying, "lim peh ka neng!" (my legs are all soft!)
after tt we headed for sentosa.. wanted to go to the beach.. only to realise motorbikes weren't allowed into Sentosa. WTF. so we decided not to go considering there's quite a bit of walking to do! we called joel and met him for drinks at winebar. he, as usual, brought along his girlfriends and friends of friends.
as i was truly overjoyed tt night, wateva we did after tt wudn't haf mattered to me, as long as *he* was by my side.. *gushes*
ok getting mushy. shan't torture u guys no more!!
aloooo kelleigh! nut here... just wanted to say that i think that your anniversary is damn sweet lah and all. yah! :)
hee hee!! thx! i think it was damn sweet too!!! muahhha..!
where u been la, get ur ass off ur couch, can?!
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