:: some things can't b bought with $$$ ::
i love gg out with my babe. we alwaes haf the most fun tgt.. no matter wat we do.. we can b jus sitting by the pool jus talking thrash, and laughing so madly we almost roll onto the floor from our chairs. we haf gone out in the early morn to town and doing stupid stuff like trying out all the perfumes at DFS and reading up all the horoscopes in girly magazines at borders. we do manicures tgt and get the manicurist laughing to no end with us. we go clubbing tgt, sometimes jus the 2 of us and we haf so much fun in each other's company. sometimes it irks me cuz we feel like paris and nicole. hhhaha. yday we both got the same strawberry shortcake handphone strap tt is jus.. very very attention seeking. but horribly adorable!! i wun post it up cuz i dun wan the whole world using the same thing as me! :pso yday i was out with my darling babe again. i had to go to the men's dept at taka to get something.. and it was the same level as the toy dept.. so.. our weird antics acted up again.. we walked right into the dept.. and started ooh-ing and aw-ing like little girls.. it realli meant so much to us looking at our childhood toys like My Little Pony and Little Twin Stars considering we've been friends since we were 9! it was such a sweet thing to do with a best gal pal. we spent abt an hour at the toy dept lost in our childhood wonderland. and feeling upset at how cheap these novelties are selling for now. it used to the branded toys in my time.. now it's like so understated.. and the toys tt were ridiculously expensive now.. i never even heard
of them b4. *sigh..* how time flies..
babe and i spent quite some time at the barbie's corner.. looking at how her face has evolved over time.. and we realised the timeless plastic beauty has quite a fashion sense now. and i saw a particular barbie, "The Spring Barbie", donning such a beautiful dress, i had to take a picture of it!

i think i might make my wedding gown something like this. hahha.. inspired by Barbie!
b4 we made our way home, we were jus gallavanting in town and we walked past the bus stop outside orchard emerald.. and guess wat i saw..!

CRISTIANO RONALDO on the PORTUGAL bulletin catching on the world cup fever. mus say he doesn't look good there but.. it's RONALDO!! at our own bus stop! haha. i quickly snapped a photo and i sent it to my bf. jus for fun (cuz he knos i am crazy abt RONALDO.) he called me back instantaneously saying, "Wat u send me, wanna die ar!?" hahahhaha... wasn't expecting such a violent retaliation..! :p
it was a short 2 hours plus meet up with my babe.. but i now haf so much more fond memories of our friendship. times like these makes me feel my life is complete. and tt some things, jus can't b bought with money. :)
love u, babe.. love u, b.. love u, everybody!!!
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